Monday 19 January 2015

Gone Too Far Impresses Cinema Guests

Few weeks ago we announced the release of the highly anticipated British Nigerian Comedy starring the hugely talente‎d and handsome OC Ukeje. 

Well, the film started its run in Nigerian cinemas on Friday and all indications are that it is living to the hype of being not just a well made film but every bit funny throughout the entire 90 minutes. Some cinema customers went as far as comparing it to Nigeria's biggest boxoffice smash hit '30 Days in Atlanta' in terms of the comedy elements.

One of the guests we spoke to at the Filmhouse Cinema, Samonda Ibadan said 'wow, I don't think there was any 5 minutes throughout the film that I wasn't laughing really hard that tears were flowing, what a lovely film, one that everyone should see to put them in a nice mood'

Another guest commented 'OC Ukeje is such an outstanding‎ actor, he shows tremendous versatility in Gone Too Far and does it in such a honest funny way, I'm glad I saw this film'

Gone Too Far is showing across all cinemas in Nigeria, do not miss it!

When London teenager Yemi's big brother come to live with him from Nigeria, Ikudayisi's (OC Ukeje) terrible fashion sense, broad Yoruba accent and misplaced confidence with the opposite sex threaten to destroy Yemi's already small amount of street cred. When the pair are forced to spend the day together on their Peckham estate Yemi is forced to confront local bullies, the unattainable girl of his dreams and his own African heritage, eventually teaching both of them the values of family and self-respect

Here's a trailer

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