Tuesday 6 January 2015

Would you rock Brandy's braids or it's too much drama? (Photos)

The singer stepped out in these stylish braids over the weekend...but is it cute or too much drama?

Wait, did Guardian newspaper mean to write January, or they really meant to write Jonathan?

Is that an error or it's deliberate?

Obasanjo lashes out at president Jonathan again...

Former Pres. Olusegun Obasanjo today took another swipe at the administration of Pres. Jonathan, accusing him and his government of depleting Nigeria's oil savings which according to him was at $45billion when he left office and had depreciated over time to $30billion. He made the accusations while receiving some South-West women leaders at his residence in Abeokuta, earlier today
"Our economy should not have been this bad. When I was leaving office about eight years ago, I left a very huge reserve after we had paid all our debts. Almost $25billion we kept in what they called excess crude. The excess from the budget we were saving as reserve for the rainy days. When we left in May 2007, the reserve was said to have been raised to $35billion. But today, that reserve has been depleted! 

Majority of foreign prisoners in Ghana are Nigerians & its a national disgrace- Nigeria ambassador to Ghana

Nigeria's High Commissioner to Ghana, Ambassador Ademola Oluseyi Onafowokan has raised an alarm over the increasing number of Nigerians serving jail terms in Ghana, describing the increasing number of Nigerians in foreign prison all over the world as a National disgrace.
"Firstly, I agree with you that majority of them are Nigerians, but should majority of them be Nigerians? We shouldn’t even be saying such things with pride because it is a national disgrace. Every country we go, they are filled with Nigerians, why? It is unfortunate. But I believe if you are ready to take the risk, then you must be ready to dance to the music.Now to the question of helping with infrastructure and other things; Nigeria High Commission doesn’t have the kind of money to build prisons. We are just here to do our core duties such as issuing passports, visa, supporting Nigerians in distress and to keep promoting the diplomatic relationship between the two brotherly nations" Ambassador Onafowokan told Tribune

Things are changing in Nigeria, Dreams Now Come True!

These young people trained in Oxygen Academy for 6 months& landed their dream jobs immediately after. Continue...

Oxygen Academy is THE FIRST HANDS ON BRAND COMMUNICATIONS ACADEMY IN WEST AFRICA. This Nigerian creative training school is designed to bring the real every day workplace experience of an advertising agency to every fresh graduate with a passion for advertising. It is an initiative by a team of seasoned Advertising professionals to selflessly grow new Admen and revolutionize the Ad world.

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If you cannot lie, get out of politics- Niger state governor

Governor of Niger state, Aliyu Babangida says that one has to tell lies to survive in the political scene of today, adding that there is no morality in politics. He says if anyone wants to pursue morality, they should go and become Imams or Pastors. The Governor stated this while inaugurating the PDP guber campaign committee in Minna the state capital yesterday January 5th.

"If you cannot lie, get out of politics. Anything you are involved in has its own rule. You are in politics to win, win first and let other things follow. Don’t be the one crying louder; lest you will be the one ‎they will take to court. If you are talking of honesty or morals, go and become an Imam or pastor. Politics cannot be the way it used to be.
"The challenges are more now, the variables have changed, the issues that we are going to face in 2015 are different from the ones we faced in 1999 and we must bear this in mind. Our society is not as grateful as it used to be, the values and morals have gone down. If you want to win, use the modern morality. We have worked for the people. Politics is not about sadaka (giving alms), politics reminds people of what you have done. Go out and remind the people of what we have done.” he said

Source: Linda Ikeja's Blog

Train and school bus collide in North Dakota, kills 2, injures 12

WATCH: Raw video of aftermath of deadly bus and train collision in North Dakota
FARGO, N.D. – A school bus failed to yield to railroad crossing and stop signs and collided with an empty freight train Monday in North Dakota, killing the bus driver and a 17-year-old student and injuring 12 other people, the Highway Patrol said.

The accident happened at 3:39 p.m. Monday on a gravel road about 5 miles east of Larimore in the northeastern part of the state, about 100 miles north of Fargo. The bus was from the Larimore Public School District, authorities said.

Roger Abbe, superintendent of schools for the district, declined to comment when he was contacted at the high school Monday evening.

“All media comments are coming from the Highway Patrol and that is as much as I can say,” Abbe said.

Twitter resolves issues affecting tweets and timeline delays

Twitter was working Monday to fix a series of service issues that were affecting tweets and a delay in timelines.
Twitter was working Monday to fix a series of service issues that were affecting tweets and a delay in timelines.
AP Photo/Richard Drew, File
Twitter was working Monday to fix a series of service issues that were affecting tweets and a delay in timelines.

In a statement posted on the company’s website just before 9 p.m. Monday the social media company said: “We are currently experience (sic) an issue with tweeting and a delay in timelines. Our engineers are currently working on the issue.”

Despite the service interruption, users took to Twitter to complain that some tweets weren’t appearing in their timelines, while others had trouble posting tweets.

Tweets began appearing as scheduled around 9:30 p.m. and in a statement the company said the problem occurred between 7:51 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. ET.

“This issue has been fully resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this,” read a statement on Twitter’s status website.

Police in California seek man who wounded 3, left baby dead in trash bin

Police are searching for the person responsible for the death of Eliza Delacruz.
Police are searching for the person responsible for the death of Eliza Delacruz.
Long Beach Police Dept.

LONG BEACH, Calif. – Police pleaded for the public’s help Monday to find a gunman who shot the parents and uncle of a 3-week-old baby girl who later was found dead in a trash bin near the Mexican border 120 miles from her home.

Investigators have no leads and no motive for the weekend attack, which happened in a densely populated working-class neighbourhood of single-family homes, Long Beach Police Chief Robert Luna said Monday afternoon.

The baby’s parents and uncle have spoken with police but have not provided sufficient information — a fact Luna called “frustrating,” although he said it was too early to know if the family was withholding clues.

The Google travel hack you need to know

This Google trick is pretty cool.
This Google trick is pretty cool. Source: Getty Images

WE’RE not sure why we’ve never heard about this before — but as they say, it’s better late than never.

Unless you’re dealing with a late flight, that is.
When you’re in a hurry to find your personal flight info, it turns out you can turn to Google. Reddit user jasenlee pointed out the trick: If you’re logged into your Gmail account and type the words “flight status” into Google, the search engine will pull up your personal flight info including your confirmation number, seat, terminal, every email associated with that flight and more.

That’s if your email address was used while booking your flight.
What you’ll find out.
What you’ll find out. Source: Supplied

And yes, this trick works for Australian users.

Some users report that Google even tells them the weather in their destination, and when to leave for the airport in order to catch their plane. If you’ve got the Google Now app, you’ll even get nearby events and happenings, as well as places that make good photo ops.

We could load up on apps till our phone’s memory is full, but no trick will be as simple — or as much of a lifesaver — as this one.

Cheers to simpler, smarter travel in 2015.

This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post and was republished with permission.

Etihad Airways horror weekend as fog delays leaves passengers on the tarmac for 13 hours

ETIHAD airways had a horror weekend after fog delayed flights at Abu Dhabi airport leaving passengers stranded on the tarmac for 13 hours and the death of a man on-board.
Passengers on flight EY23 from Abu Dhabi to Dusseldorf, Germany were kept on the tarmac for 13 hours on Saturday after heavy fog forced the closure of the runway causing chaos and severe delays. It was then forced to make an emergency landing after the death of one its passengers on-board.
The airline released the following statement to Khaleej Times:

“Etihad Airways experienced unprecedented levels of flight disruption on Saturday following the closure of Abu Dhabi airport due to fog in the early hours of the morning. EY23 to Dusseldorf was one of the flights most affected by the runway closure and the subsequent congestion and delays, which impacted all airlines.

“During the time on the ground, awaiting permission to takeoff, Etihad Airways provided passengers with refreshments and information about the reasons for the delay.”

The Etihad plane bound for Dusseldorf, Germany was stranded at Abu Dhabi for 13 hours.
The Etihad plane bound for Dusseldorf, Germany was stranded at Abu Dhabi for 13 hours. Source: AFP

READ: Etihad passengers made to wait 12 hours on the tarmac
However after finally taking off the Dusseldorf bound flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Vienna when a 73-year-old male passenger died mid-flight.
“After keeping passengers on the plane for more than 13 hours last night, flight EY23 to Dusseldorf has just diverted to Vienna with a passenger receiving CPR from the crew,” said a passenger, in an email to The National.

On Sunday, an Etihad Airways spokesman confirmed the death of one of its passengers.
“Etihad Airways flight EY23 from Abu Dhabi to Dusseldorf was diverted to Vienna on Saturday, January 3, 2015, due to an on-board medical emergency involving a 73-year old male passenger. A medical team met the aircraft upon landing to assist the passenger on-board. However, he was pronounced deceased,” the spokesman said.

“We offer our deepest condolences to his family. Hotel accommodation has been arranged for other guests on-board the flight and alternative transportation is being arranged between Vienna and Dusseldorf for tomorrow.”

A passenger on-board told The National how she and her husband helped treat the man at the flight attendants request.

Kim Bekelaar, 28, a Dutch resident neurologist at Maastricht University, said she and her husband provided medical advice to the crew.
“When we found him on the chair, he was still breathing, but when we put him on the floor he was just gasping for breath and breathing insufficiently,” she said. “He had no pulse, no circulation.”

Passengers on-board another delayed Etihad Flight, EY 183 bound for San Francisco, were s
Passengers on-board another delayed Etihad Flight, EY 183 bound for San Francisco, were stuck on the tarmac for 12 hours. Picture: Rithvik Reddy / AP Source: AP
As per Etihad’s policy, only crew members can perform CPR who worked on resuscitating the man until the plane landed in Vienna.

“The crew said it’s their policy to keep on resuscitating, and I think that’s good,” said Ms Bekelaar, who reported that crew members and other passengers were distressed by the situation.
The plane finally landed in Dusseldorf 30 hours after its scheduled arrival time.

Etihad has promised to review its procedures during extensive delays with another Etihad flight bound for San Francisco leaving passengers on the Abu Dhabi tarmac for 12 hours.
“Etihad mobilised more than 500 additional staff at the airport and city locations over the weekend to assist guests stuck in Abu Dhabi. We served more than 15,000 meals to guests at the airport, and provided more than 2,000 hotel rooms across the city.

“We are to review our policies on the length of time aircraft can remain on the ground, with passengers aboard, while waiting for a takeoff slot.

“Whilst the departure of guests to their onward destinations was a priority over the weekend, we acknowledge customer concerns and commit to a review of our procedures as soon as is feasible.”

Australian government warns of new terror threat in Indonesia

AUSTRALIANS travelling to Indonesia have been advised to exercise a high degree of caution following intelligence about potential terrorist attacks.
The Department of Foreign Affairs says it is receiving information that indicates terrorists may be planning attacks in Indonesia, which could take place at any time.

“You should exercise particular caution around locations that have a low level of protective security and avoid places known to be possible terrorist targets,” the department says in its latest travel advice.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Australia was monitoring the situation in Indonesia “very closely”.

“There is always a need for caution when travelling overseas,” the Foreign Minister told reporters in Perth.
Bishop presser
Warning ... Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. Source: News Corp Australia
“Of course we have had the tragic experiences in the past with Bali where Australians have been killed ... but we’re working closely with the Indonesian security, intelligence and law enforcement agencies.”

Ms Bishop recommended Australians “read the travel advice” available.
TERROR WARNING: Read the full Australian Government travel advice here
“Of course in all these situations, people should be very aware of the fact that they are in another country, they’re subject to the laws of another country.”

The advice also notes Indonesian immigration staff may refuse entry to Australians with a criminal record, regardless of how long ago the offence took place.
Ms Bishop said she would feel comfortable holidaying in Bali now, but that travellers should take out insurance.
A high security presence was maintained by the Indonesian forces for the visit of Prime M
Beefed up security ... A high security presence was maintained by the Indonesian forces for the visit of Prime Minister Julia Gillard to Bali Bombing memorial in Kuta in 2012. Source: News Limited
“If you can’t afford to travel to Bali with travel insurance, then perhaps you should rethink your travel.”

The Minister said security agencies take into account “a whole range of sources of information”.
“If it’s credible information, then the security agencies act on it.”
The region has been area of terrorism activity for “some time”, Ms Bishop said.
“We know that we have worked very closely with the Indonesian authorities to arrest, detain, prosecute and jail a number of people who have taken part in terrorist activities in the past.

“We treat terrorism and our counter-terrorism activities as our highest national security priority.”
The US government warned of a potential threat against US-associated hotels and banks in Surabaya on Sunday.
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