Monday 30 October 2017

I married my Love making client

“What was your motivation to get into this kind of business?” my client asked me as I told him my charges for the night once we got in the room.

I hadn’t seen the question coming because most worker’s clients have no time for preambles. Theirs is pay, get it and leave. My client tonight was a young handsome man in his late 20s. The gold ring on his finger was the only reason I suspected he was a married man. ?
I did not have an immediate answer so I retorted: “…and why have you left your wife for prostitutes… I am in business!”
Deep inside me I knew I would give anything to live a more decent life, but prostitution had gotten into me and now I could not free myself! His smile was the kindest I have ever seen in my entire life as a worker. “Would you really be interested in knowing why I am here?” He gently responded sending frightening memories of the warning my “mentors” in  work had issued.

The intimacy was sweet Erick: Lovers open up to their ex-partners

Do you miss me?
  • The thing about ex-partners is that they could influence how you treat your partner in future relationships.
  • From the messages , some clearly still love and miss the company they had but are sad that life happened.  
We recently asked our readers to anonymously send a message to their ex partners in poll. There is fun in anonymity and these ex-partners will confess that.
In an interesting twist, it emerges that although some have long forgotten their relationships, a huge number of us have not moved on from previous relationships.  We still are nursing old wounds and carry bitterness over sour relationships we had.
Could this be the reason why we do not give it all in our current relationships?

The real reason women stay with men who cheat

I remember being a young girl when the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal broke. Being young and naïve and probably unable to understand the dynamics of married life, I was so sure that it would not be long before Hillary Clinton gave her husband the boot, a public and humiliating one at that. I was surprised when she decided to stand by her husband throughout the scandal and is even still married to him.

I was a disappointed young girl as I could not understand why the First Lady, an educated and exposed woman, would choose to stand by her lying, cheating scoundrel of a husband. My mother tried to comfort me by explaining that Hillary had simply done what most women do: make a selfless sacrifice for her marriage and family.

How to be second wife: Proud second wives speak out, and give tips

There is literally no man out there who is available who is really worth being in relationship with?

  • How does it feel to be married to a man who already has another wife? The nightmare of dealing with a hostile co-wife, grown step children or generally being trapped in constant competition with a co-wife?
Polygamy is a concept that has been with us for a while now. For far too long, “second wife” label had some negative connotations. The title came with a lot of baggage and in some cases stigma.
To some people, it looked like it was a backward living arrangement that only ‘desperate’, lowly and village-bred women embraced.

Things women look for in men

Should this trend continue just because, as it is often said, it is a man’s world? I say, hell no! You should hear how men freely express their views in regard to what they want, and who is an ideal woman for this or that purpose. Some even get graphic in their explanations.
I know men like to say that they cannot understand women because we are complicated. That we say one thing and mean another.
So, we are different. But, gentlemen, woman aren’t exactly the great mystery that you often make the world believe. Women are very simple. Their needs are very basic. Well, today I have decided to extend an olive branch to the male species, and help them navigate the dating minefield. I will try to explain what women look for in men.

Monday 26 September 2016

30 Surprising Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs)

Apple cider vinegar is a kitchen staple that has several impressive health benefits.
Interestingly, it also has a ton of different beauty, household and cooking uses.
Apple cider vinegar uses include cleaning, washing hair, preserving food and improving skin function.
It can also be used in all sorts of recipes, including salad dressings, soups, sauces, hot drinks and more.
Here are 30 ways to use apple cider vinegar.

6 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

For centuries, vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. It is also an ancient folk remedy, claimed to help with all sorts of health problems. The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is Apple Cider Vinegar. It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, some of which are supported by science. This includes weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes.

Here are 6 health benefits of apple cider vinegar, that are supported by scientific research.

Apple Cider Vinegar for 60 Days Can Eliminate these Common Health Problems

You may have heard by now about the buzz surrounding apple cider vinegar. If you have it in your kitchen, you are probably used to using it as a cooking ingredient. But do you know about the amazing health benefits that come along with it? Apple cider vinegar has been credited with everything from curing hiccups and alleviating cold symptoms to aiding in weight loss and helping to prevent heart disease. Here are just a few in a long list of benefits of adding just one tablespoon a day of apple cider vinegar to your diet:

1. Helps Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux usually results from having too little acid in the stomach. Apple cider vinegar is full of antibiotic properties. To improve the acid content of your stomach, drink one tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water.

2. Promotes Healthy Cholesterol

Not only does apple cider vinegar support healthy cholesterol, studies have shown that it can protect from arterial damage or oxidation,  which is the main risk of high cholesterol.

3. Can Aid in Healthy Weight Loss

Yep, apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight. The acetic acid it contains helps to suppress your appetite, increase your metabolism and reduce water retention — a great combo if you’re looking to lose a few pounds.

4. Promotes Healthy Blood Sugar

Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar has strong anti-glycemic properties that support a healthy blood sugar level. The vinegar actually blocks some of the digestion of starch, preventing it from raising your blood sugar.

5. Has Antioxidant Properties

Apple cider vinegar contains many antioxidants to help keep your body healthy and running smoothly, including catechin, gallic acid, caffeic and chlorogenic acids.

6. Improves Nutrient Absorption

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can increase your body’s absorption of important minerals from the food you eat. Adding vinegar to your salad dressing may also help you absorb more nutrients from your leafy greens!

There are even more benefits to using apple cider vinegar! Check out the video here:

Just two tablespoons a day can help keep your heart healthy, allow your body to absorb beneficial nutrients, and more. If you want to start using apple cider vinegar, here’s how:
  1. Don’t reach for just any apple cider vinegar on the shelf. Make sure you are buying organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
  2. If you want to drink it daily, just mix two tablespoons into a glass of water. Add a tablespoon of honey if you’d like, or lemon to add flavor, and enjoy!
  3. If drinking it isn’t your thing, there are other options. You can add it to your salads or other dishes to make sure you’re still incorporating it into your diet.
To check out ways you can use it around the house, or as a beauty product (you can use it to whiten your teeth!), check out this article.

Watch the video below for a super easy how-to for your daily dose!

For more information and to order now, call 07033196837. Thank you.
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